Before UNIST
Numerical Study of Turbulent Boundary Layers over Cubic Roughness Array
J.Ahn, J.H.Lee & H.J.Sung
Transactions of the Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. B, Fall Annual Meeting, Daegu, Korea, November 2-4, 2011
Direct Numerical Simulations of the Turbulent Boundary Layers over the Rough Walls
J.H.Lee & H.J.Sung
7th National Congress on Fluids Engineering, Jeju, Korea, May 26-27, 2011
Effects of the Streamwise Spacing over Rough-wall Turbulent Boundary Layers
J.H.Lee & H.J.Sung
Transactions of the Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. B, Spring Annual Meeting, Pohang, Korea, April 15-16, 2011
Large-Scale Motions in the Turbulent Boundary Layer
J.H.Lee & H.J.Sung
Transactions of the Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. B, Fall Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea, November 3-5, 2010
Direct Numerical Simulation of the Turbulent Boundary Layer with a Cube-Roughened Wall
J.H.Lee & H.J.Sung
Proceedings of KSME Fluid Engineering Division, Spring Annual Meeting, Mokpo, Korea, April 22-24, 2010 (received best paper award)
Population Trends of Spanwise Vortices in Turbulent Boundary Layers with Adverse Pressure Gradients
J.Lee, J.H.Lee, J.-H.Lee & H.J.Sung
Proceedings of KSME Fluid Engineering Division, Spring Annual Meeting, Mokpo, Korea, April 22-24, 2010
Streamwise-Coherence of Hairpin Packet Motions in Turbulent Boundary Layer
J.H.Lee & H.J.Sung
Proceedings of KSME Fluid Engineering Division, Spring Annual Meeting, Pusan, Korea, May 20-22, 2009
Organized Structure of Turbulent Boundary Layer with Rod-Roughened Wall
J.H.Lee, S.-H.Lee, K.Kim & H.J.Sung
5th National Congress on Fluids Engineering, Jeju, Korea, March 26-28. 2008