외재필터 큰에디모사를 위한 동적 혼합 모델
Y.M.Lee, H.G.Hwang & J.H.Lee
Korean Society for Computational Fluids Engineering, Spring Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 3-4, 2018
표면조도가 있는 난류 평면 Couette-Poiseuille 유동의 직접수치해석
J.H.Kim, Y.M.Lee & J.H.Lee
Korean Society for Computational Fluids Engineering, Spring Annual Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 3-4, 2018
Vortex Wakes of a Flapping Foil in a Viscous Uniform Flow
M.J.Kim & J.H.Lee
Korean Soc. Visualization, Spring Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea, April 26-27, 2018
Couette-Poiseuille 유동의 직접수치모사
J.H.Hwang & J.H.Lee
Transactions of the Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. B, Spring Annual Meeting, Ulsan, Korea, April 19-20, 2018
초소수성 표면에서 난류파이프 유동 및 채널 유동의 항력감소 비교
H.J.Im & J.H.Lee
Transactions of the Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. B, Spring Annual Meeting, Ulsan, Korea, April 19-20, 2018
벽 사이에 나란히 위치한 자체 추진하는 유연한 포일들 사이의 와류 상호 작용
Y.D.Jeong & J.H.Lee
Transactions of the Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. B, Spring Annual Meeting, Ulsan, Korea, April 19-20, 2018
Numerical Investigation of Moving Wall Effects in the Turbulent Channel Flow
J.H.Hwang & J.H.Lee
Korean Soc. Visualization, Fall Annual Meeting, Ulsan, Korea, December 1, 2017
Passive Locomotion of a Freely Movable Flexible Fin near the Ground
Y.D.Jeong & J.H.Lee
Korean Society for Computational Fluids Engineering, Fall Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea, November 10, 2017
수평관 난류 기포류 해석을 위한 2-유체 모델 평가
S.J.Lee, J.H.Lee & B.J.Kim
Transactions of the Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. B, Spring Annual Meeting, Busan, Korea, May 25-26, 2017
막대형 표면조도가 있는 평면 Couette 유동에 대한 직접수치모사
Y.M.Lee & J.H.Lee
Transactions of the Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. B, Spring Annual Meeting, Busan, Korea, May 25-26, 2017
Couette 유동 내의 난류응집구조
J.H.Kim & J.H.Lee
Transactions of the Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. B, Fall Annual Meeting, Jeongseon, Korea, December 14-16, 2016
균일점성유동 내 수직으로 고정된 깃발의 플래핑 운동
M.J.Kim & J.H.Lee
Transactions of the Korean Soc. Mech. Eng. B, Fall Annual Meeting, Jeongseon, Korea, December 14-16, 2016,
Interaction of a Flexible Flag with the Vortex of Two Side-by-Side Flags
Y.D.Jeong & J.H.Lee
Korean Soc. Visualization, Fall Annual Meeting, Daegu, Korea, December 2, 2016
난류경계층 내의 표면조도에 따른 이차적 유동의 형성
H.G.Hwang & J.H.Lee
Korean Society for Computational Fluids Engineering, Fall Annual Meeting, Busan, Korea, November 10-11. 2016
초소수성 표면에서 난류파이프 유동 및 채널 유동의 항력 감소
H.J.Im & J.H.Lee
Korean Society for Computational Fluids Engineering, Fall Annual Meeting, Busan, Korea, November 10-11. 2016